글을 시작하며
As a parent, protecting your baby's health is your top priority. One of the most effective ways to do this is by ensuring that they receive all of their recommended vaccinations on time. At 6 months old, your baby will be due for several important vaccinations that will help protect them from serious diseases.
엄마아빠의 가장 최대 관심사는 호띵이의 건강이다. 가장 기본적으로 호띵이를 건강하게 키우기 위해서 해야 할 것은 제시간에 백신을 접종하는 것이다. 그래서 이번에 6개월 백신 접종을 하고 왔다.
6개월 영유아 백신 종류
- B형간염
- 펜탁심 (DTP, Polio, Hib)
- 폐구균 - 프리베나
Here are some of the vaccinations that your 6-month-old baby should receive:
-DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): This vaccine protects against three serious diseases - diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (also known as whooping cough).
-Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b): This vaccine protects against a bacterium that can cause severe infections such as meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis.
-PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine): This vaccine protects against pneumococcal bacteria, which can cause serious infections like pneumonia, meningitis, and ear infections.
-IPV (Inactivated poliovirus vaccine): This vaccine protects against poliomyelitis, also known as polio.
-Hepatitis B: This vaccine protects against Hepatitis B, a serious liver disease that can be spread through infected blood or bodily fluids.
It is important to note that these vaccinations may cause some mild side effects, such as redness or swelling at the injection site, a low-grade fever, and fussiness. However, these side effects are usually mild and short-lived.
※ 독감 주사는 원래 접종해야 할 백신 중 하나이지만 외부와의 접촉이 많은 (어린이집을 다니고 있는 아기) 경우에 맞는 것을 추천한다고 의사 선생님께서 설명해주셨다. 아직 호띵이는 어린이집을 다니지 않고 돌 이후부터 다닐 예정이기 때문에 별도로 독감주사를 접종하지는 않았다. → 독감주사는 어린이집 다니기 전후로 맞는게 좋다고 함.
3개의 접종을 동시에 진행하다 보니 주사 맞을 때 호띵이가 울기 시작했다. 아무래도 주사가 아파서 우는 것 같은데 우는 모습마저 사랑스러운 아기다.
6개월 백신 접종 관련 주의한 것
- 충분한 잠을 재우고 갔다
- 주사 접종 후 목욕하기 힘들 것 같아서 미리 목욕하고 병원에 갔다
- 주사 접종 전 의사와 충분한 상담 진행
- 주사 접종 후 호띵이 열나지 않는지 체크 (다행히 열은 많이 나지 않았다)
- 얇은 옷, 얇은 이불로 발열의 위험도를 낮춤
1.Check the baby's health status before the shot: Before getting the vaccine, it is advisable to check the baby's health status, and if there are acute illnesses or cold symptoms, it is best to delay the shot.
2.Recommended vaccine schedule: A 6-month-old baby can receive vaccines such as DTaP, Hib, PCV, Rotavirus, Influenza, MMR, etc. The recommended schedule is set, so it is best to follow it.
3.Mild side effects may occur: All vaccines can have mild side effects. The most common side effects are nausea, headache, and fever. If these side effects occur, it is important to continuously check the baby's health status and consult with a doctor.
4.Proper storage and handling of vaccines: It is important to store and handle vaccines properly to ensure their efficacy. Vaccines should be stored at the correct temperature, and they should not be used if they have passed their expiration date or if their appearance has changed.
5.Discuss with a pediatrician: Before getting a vaccine shot, it is always a good idea to discuss with a pediatrician. The pediatrician can provide you with more information about the vaccine, including any potential risks and benefits, and answer any questions you may have.
6.Keep records: Keep records of the baby's vaccine shots, including the date, type of vaccine, and any adverse reactions that may occur after the shot. This will help the pediatrician keep track of the baby's vaccine history and ensure that all recommended vaccines are received on time.
글을 마치며
In conclusion, protecting your 6-month-old baby from serious diseases is important, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by ensuring they receive all of their recommended vaccinations on time. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to talk to your pediatrician. They are there to support you and ensure that your baby stays healthy.
6개월 접종도 크게 열이 나거나 아프지 않게 지나갔다. 이제 앞으로 당분간 예방접종은 없고 돌 이후부터 예방접종 주사가 있다고 의사 선생님께서 말씀해 주셨다.
우리 호띵이가 잘 크고 있는데 앞으로도 아프지 않고, 잘 자고, 잘 먹고, 잘 싸면서 무럭무럭 크길 바란다.
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